Barbed Broach File


Barbed Broach Endodontic Files Best Prices Here.

Endodontic application: removal of hyperemic dental pulp in the root canal treatment.

Length 21mm, 25mm, and in mixed size, 10pcs per pack.

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Barbed Broach

The set of barbed broches has different color-coding compatible with the standardized size of files.

The broach has small bards around the surface that excellently remove the dental pulp.

It can go the full length of the root and extirpate the dental pulp or pulpal remnants.

It is an excellent instrument for the elimination of hyperemic pulp,

Material: It is made of stainless steel that can be sterilized after use.


The Barbed Broch is used for the removal of hyperemic dental pulp in the root canal treatment.

Length: 21mm, 25mm.

Package: 10pcs mixed sizes per pack.

Additional information


21mm, 25mm